Weekly Prompts #1
The Weekly Prompts
New update: The author finished setting up his virtual tipping box. Readers may support him on Ko-fi.
These are past articles that were published by the Author, through this we all recall on the stories he made and what learnings we got.
The 3 How’s On Writing Consistently
Readers or audiences need a consistent writer to follow, and through consistency, they’ll notice that you put effort into your article, which makes your readers appreciate their reads more.
In this article, it will discuss certain strategies on how to consistently write.
Creating & Forming Your Own Path
I wanted to be honest here on the matter of whether you should take responsibility for your every action. Because through this, you can understand your situation better. The more you understand your situation, the better you can think of how to solve it.
In this article it will then tell you on how decision making affects your life, and why you should pay attention more.
The ‘Box That Made You Smile
The thought process of how the person leads up to choosing that gift for you is what’s important. Basically, what I’m saying here is that the gift alone isn’t just important, but the impression of you from others through the gift is.
In this time of the giving year, the article then will breakdown certain meanings behind the ‘box’ on how it makes people feel appreciated.
Like the writings? Support the Author here on Ko-fi.