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Learning — Saying Hello With ‘Good Eating Habits’ |

It all comes down to being consistent in your eating habits. Being cautious, thinking, what if I eat this much today, should I just take less?

Keith Nicholas
10 min readDec 15, 2021


Eating and habits

Dietary Habits are the habitual decisions of individuals or group of people regarding what foods they eat. Proper dietary choices require the consumption of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins and fats — (, 2010)

Food influencers influence us food. The fact is that you won’t realize that you’ve eaten too much already. Give it up to food for how wonderful it is, especially when it is your favorite food. A person can become “addicted” to food to the point where they constantly crave it and go to great lengths to obtain it.

The triggers that will force us to eat less.

If a person develops diabetes or cancer, they will inevitably require a diet tailored to their needs. There are medical conditions as well, such as when a woman is pregnant and must adhere to a strict diet prescribed by her doctor.

What is eating habits

The way a person eats is referred to as an eating habit. They have their eating habits, whether they eat three times a day or twice a day, whether they prefer meat or vegetables; these are their eating habits.

We may call it scheduled eating habits, like a person drinking coffee in the morning or tea at night and then eating light meals for the day.

Known people’s take on eating habits.

“Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.” — Adelle Davis

A person should have a schedule where they eat a lot in the morning and less at night.

“A fit body, a calm mind, a house full of love. These things cannot be bought — they must be earned.” — Naval Ravikant

We must exercise caution when it comes to our eating habits, says Naval. As a result of improving people’s eating habit, they will have peace of mind and no more physical problems. We need to find habits that are compatible with each other, especially as we develop our bodies.

“Health requires healthy food.” — Roger Williams

Nothing more, nothing less than a straightforward message on how to maintain good health. If a person wants to live a healthy life, they must take care of their bodies, which affects both their mental and physical well-being.

What do they say about eating habits in common?

I’ve been on strict diets where all I could eat was oats for the majority of the time and reduced amount of wheat contents. Fruit is always a favorite snack of mine, or I’ll eat bite-sized carrots.

Overall, they want to convey that a person needs to develop and maintain a healthy, consistent diet that is appropriate for their body and will benefit them.

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How does Eating Habits Affects on the Persons Life

Evolutionarily, people have evolved to like eating because it is significant for survival. In addition to its biological function, eating is also a principal social and cultural activity that people tend to enjoy for aesthetic or communal reasons (Floor, K., Catharine, E., Marieke, A., & Marleen, G. April 2009)

As a result, people's attitudes toward food play a role in defining "who they are," especially when they are part of a social group that eats similar foods. People usually follow this tradition because it is something they believe in. Overall, it is the contrast between the person and the community.

What is a poor diet?

To avoid health risks, one should understand what constitutes an unhealthy diet. Poor diet is when a person consumes an excessive or absurd amount of this one particular food to the point that he/she is unable to balance his/her own diet. To avoid health risks, one should understand what constitutes an unhealthy diet.

What happen when a person performs poor diet or bad eating habits.

Unhealthy eating habits stand out as a lifestyle factor that increases the risk of death associated with the chronic diseases, researchers say. Numerous studies draw a clear line between what’s on your plate and mortality (healthessentials., May 2021).

Obesity — Eating a healthy diet, along with getting enough physical activity and sleep, can help children grow up healthy and prevent overweight and obesity.

Cancer — An unhealthy diet can increase the risk of some cancers. Overweight and obesity are associated with at least 13 types of cancer, including endometrial (uterine) cancer, breast cancer in postmenopausal women, and colorectal cancer. (, January 2021).

The result is the same: it's not good. It can lead to such events. It is preferable to simply stay healthy. Overall, being sensitive to your body and taking care of it is necessary.

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Then How does it Bring Effect if a Person have a Good Eating Habit

The food you eat can affect your health and your risk for certain diseases. To eat healthier food, you may need to change some of your daily habits. You also may need to change some things in your environment.— (Healthwise Staff., Aug 2021)

Developing eating habits is requisite to have a healthy life. — Keith Nicholas

It is worth knowing to what extent our eating habits affect our happiness. One reason is that most people are concerned about their happiness and look for ways to increase it. — (Veenhoven, R. Aug 2019)

As soon as the person changed their eating habits, the way their mind and body works can change as well.

Can a person still change their eating habits?

As has been seen, modern day cooking allows far less time than days gone by. Long gone are the hours spent slaving over the stove. Instead, convenience food has become much more popular, with people reaching for convenience foods and microwave meals several times a week. — (Louise, P. June 2015)

It has been debated which food is better, if it is homemade cooked food or fast food. Besides, it is the person’s opinion on which is better. However, each has its own perks, its own pros and cons. There are restaurants that serve good food that undergoes the process of sanitary. But nothing still beats homemade cooking.

It is the person’s call on how he/she may change it. Looking at their age, current health, and what they do, as I mentioned above, they may be forced to change their diet.

  • Considering age — Healthy eating is important at any age, but becomes even more so as we reach midlife and beyond. As well as keeping your body healthy, eating well can also be the key to a positive outlook and staying emotionally balanced. But healthy eating doesn’t have to be about dieting and sacrifice. Rather, it should be all about enjoying fresh, tasty food, wholesome ingredients, and eating in the company of friends and family (Lawrence, R., & Jeanne, Segal., Ph.D. August 2021).

There is no time given or a rule that a person should stop their healthy habits. Of course, it is better when it is early the better. However, worry not. Aging is a time we are looking forward to. As individuals, we have to prepare for those times because, inevitably, we have to change our diet/s.

  • Considering on what they do — The best way to overcome barriers is to identify them ahead of time and have a backup plan to deal with them. Some barriers are the kind that keep you from even trying to change a habit. If you have concerns about your health, talk to your doctor to make sure you’re doing your activities safely (Kathleen, R., MD — Family Medicine & Rhonda, B., MS, RD, CDE., December 2020)

There are times an individual has to change their eating habits, like when a person does sports. They have to be complimented on their habits towards that. That is, they must exercise self-control when it comes to eating. And it is for their convenience as to which food eating habits are best for them.

  • Current weight — the amount of calories people eat and drink has a direct impact on their weight: Consume the same number of calories that the body burns over time, and weight stays stable. Consume more than the body burns, weight goes up. Less, weight goes down. But what about the type of calories: Does it matter whether they come from specific nutrients-fat, protein, or carbohydrate? — (, N. D.)

A person can be consistent in their eating despite letting go of their favorite food. Every nutrient matters in the human body. Just eating steak for lunch brings a lot of changes already. As I said, it doesn’t matter what food it is or how healthy the food can be, it is just plain diet.

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5 ways on how it can be changed

It will be difficult to adjust to something you are not used to. When it comes to eating, you will have to limit certain foods at times, especially if they are foods you enjoy. So go easy on the changes and work your way through them. Here are the five ways you can change your eating habits in your life that will take you into a the future for your health.

1. Base your meals on higher fiber starchy carbohydrates

Starchy carbohydrates should make up just over a third of the food you eat. They include potatoes, bread, rice, pasta and cereals. Choose higher fibre or wholegrain varieties, such as whole-wheat pasta, etc. (, 2019)

I mentioned this before that, the take of rice. Such as bread and pasta. From time to time you have to control them, just to balance your diet.

2. Eat a good breakfast.

Studies show that skipping breakfast detracts from scholastic achievement. When there isn’t time to sit down and enjoy your morning meal, grab a bagel, piece of fruit and some juice. (clarkeuniversity., n.d.)

I mentioned this before, the taste of rice. such as bread and pasta. From time to time, you have to control them just to balance your diet.

3. Eat lots of fruit and veg

It’s recommended that you eat at least 5 portions of a variety of fruit and veg every day. They can be fresh, frozen, canned, dried or juiced. (, 2019)

I am going to be honest. I never liked vegetables when I was a child. But through this, it helps. It doesn’t matter whether it is juiced or shaken, as long as there are vegetables in them, it is a “go-go” for me.

4. Drink alcohol in moderation

Alcohol is high in energy (kilojoules). If you choose to drink alcohol, only drink it in moderation. It is recommended that healthy men and women drink no more than two standard drinks on any day to reduce the lifetime risk of harm from alcohol-related disease or injury. (betterhealth., 2019)

Taking alcohol is great for some people. A drink doesn’t hurt after a tiring day at work. However, a person should tone down their alcohol a bit. It may lead to sickness, and we don’t want any of that.

5. Limit your sugar intake

Sugar provides calories in your diet but few other nutrients, and it contributes significantly to tooth decay. Use it sparingly and consider sweetening coffee, tea, cereal, and fruit with diet sweeteners instead. (clarkeuniversity., n.d.)

Nevertheless, a lot of kids like sugar. We adults, too, consume candy to stay cool and awake at work. Even coffee is quite addicting. The same can be said for the alcohol content. Control your sugar intake as well.

Consistency follows

It requires excellence and patience to develop these skills. You have to take steps forward slowly. You must take small steps forward. You may not lose weight for a week or two, or you may gain weight unexpectedly, consistency is required to achieve the best results when it comes to developing good eating habits.

  • Reward yourself — It doesn’t hurt to take some break days or cheat days. It doesn’t have to be chocolate, and besides, you are still new to it. Your body is adapting to the change, so you’ll gradually be there.
  • Join your friends who are on the same diet as you — When going for an exercise, find a buddy you can partner up with, or even better, with a group, so your mind can focus on the plan.
  • Don’t overexert yourself — just go with the plan. If it says to eat 3 meals a day, follow it. Or if you think that the diet you’re on is one you can’t handle, find easier ones.

All in all…

“Consistency is your friend”

It is admirable when someone is on a diet to benefit their health. Some people, I believe, may be willing to give up their favorite food for the sake of it. However, whatever sacrifices you have made, they are all for the greater good of your health.

It is never “too late” to lose weight, regardless of your age or current weight. If you’re motivated to do your habits and stick to them, that’s a good thing. If you’re having trouble making changes, look for a better diet plan that will work for you.

Take care of your health. It is you who we are discussing. Take things slowly and you may find that it develops into something that yields fantastic results.

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Keith Nicholas

I hope my pieces resonate and help you along the way