To-Go Tips on How to Have a Productive Morning…

Keith Nicholas
4 min readDec 11, 2021


We all have to be honest with ourselves; waking early in the morning is such a tiring thing to do, especially when we do it every day and every morning it just repeats itself. What should we really do once the alarm hits our ears? Why even bother waking up early?

Photo by Dan Freeman on Unsplash

Waking up in the morning is different on all. Whether you wake up on your bed, on the office after a tiring night. Or just on you desk because of the amount of you had to do. No matter where you wake up. Start your morning immediately

Oh yeah by the way, I have a bonus at the end.

Time is Gold…

Alright you have got to heard this phrase in the past. Every morning is an important factor on our day. People might even say that, when you have a bad morning, it may reflect to it as a whole day. Just buckle up and start your damn morning!

Difference on waking up in the morning and waking up early…

Okay, some people tend to miss this concept. Where should you really start? Waking up early in the morning will put pressure on you. The fact is that you have a lot of time and a lot of things you can do. Come on, you can’t just watch TV all morning, you have got to do something important, right?

Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

What even productive morning is these days, especially in quarantine…

Productive morning. To have a productive day means actually working productively on your highest priority activities (Adam S, N. D.). In other words, do things what you have to do in a short number of hours. Do not let the pandemic get in you. Focus on what you want to do.

Ready for the discussion? Grab a coffee, and I’m going to how you Five (5) things and tips you should do, to have a lively, productive day.

01 - Note down or take a list on your priorities

People shouldn’t underestimate the power of making their own personal to-do lists. Keep it simple and keep it on a piece of paper or an app on your phone. You will see your overview task of what to do. Having control of your to-do list will keep you on track with the list, and you will know what to do after every finished activity.

Photo by Andriyko Podilnyk on Unsplash

02 — Make use of your audio and music materials.

Listen to music while you clean your bed, or even taking a shower. As I mentioned music, don’t forget to listening to audios. Hear some podcast about a topic that you are interested in when it comes to talking. While you’re riding your car towards to work or, doing preparations on your business, listen to an eBook. Remember it is all about being productive.

Photo by Callum Shaw on Unsplash

03 — Never forget to read or watch news.

I know this is something what we always do, but if you are not a person like me who likes to read news information, it doesn’t hurt to drop by, and at least you know what on earth is happening on your surroundings.

Photo by Raamin ka on Unsplash

04 — Consider what you have done as well as what you should have done.

In simple words, reflect. Okay, I am not making you guilty on your actions or trying to make you feel bad early in the morning. The point is to reflect. Not a lot of people does this but, give yourself at least 5 minutes of not doing anything, just close your eyes. Think and reflect on your past actions. In those past experiences, in those past actions or things you did, is there any way that you can improve that.

05 — Start small, big consistency.

Don’t sweat a lot of things. Make your bed, do your exercise, take showers, and go to work. It is all about consistency here. You don’t have to dump all your tasks in the morning; take it slow and take your time accomplishing them.

How can you be consistent on being productive? I mentioned that to take your morning easy. Grind on your activities, sip a coffee to stay awake, and just enjoy your chill morning.

Finishing thoughts…

After you have read, especially on this part, you have got to know why you should start making your morning productive. Lastly the bonus part.

Read blogs and books. It doesn’t have to be about productivity, what matters is you are doing something on your free time.

Summarizing everything:

  • Prioritize your Activities
  • Make use of audio materials
  • Chill and consistent early morning productivity
  • Keep information, news and such
  • Reflect

Of course it doesn’t end here, all these are just a basic start to have a productive morning.

Always remember, stay chill and be productive.

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productive morning routine

productive morning meaning

productive morning routine for online school



Keith Nicholas
Keith Nicholas

Written by Keith Nicholas

I hope my pieces resonate and help you along the way

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